struggled with automating calculation models for commission payments?
had significant licensing and maintenance costs to operate your sales commission system?
operated inefficiently and ineffectively because your enterprise solution is heavy and obsolete?
If you answered “yes” to at least one of the questions above – download the offering now!
you are not the only one...
This is why, we have built a system that...
calculates the incentives based on data from sales processes
manages commission rules versioned over time
recalculates commissions for the sales network based on defined rules and sales result data with mapping to hierarchical commission team
commissions data reporting the to the client's sales and management teams
As a result our customers...
have automated commission calculation processes reducing the conversion process from several hours to single minutes for the entire sales network (deployments 5000 users+)
pay less for maintenance and development of the platform
have enhanced security
achieves 100% compliance for commission calculations